Steve Freeman Ministries

Would you consider helping Steve Freeman Ministries by making a donation? Your prayers and financial support help us to take the Gospel to the world. While you may not be able to physically go with me to every place that I go, through your prayers and financial support, you actually are going with me. Not only that, you are helping me to impact the world. I appreciate you being willing to partner with Steve Freeman Ministries!!!


Steve Freeman Ministries: It is hard to believe that I am in my 31th year in Full Time Evangelism. Every year is different, but I am so thankful for every opportunity God gives me to proclaim His goodness and love to a world that needs Him so. While there are many uncertainties in this world, one thing I do know is that God is still saving and changing lives, and I pray that this will be our greatest year of ministry. 

Ministry Update: I hope each of you who follow, pray for, and support our ministry are doing well. I am certainly praying that 2024 will be a better year for each of us. I am thankful that churches are opening up in greater numbers this year and I pray that trend continues. The last few years have been a challenge for all of us, but I am thankful for all that God is doing, and how churches have really been able to impact their communities as there have been so many opportunities to minister to hurting families and individuals. While I had many revivals and preaching opportunities get cancelled because of Covid lockdowns, or restrictions in the past few years, I am thankful that God is not restricted in His ability to reach and help people. God is not locked down, and he makes a way where there seems to be no way. I am thankful for every opportunity that God is giving me this year to preach and sing, and I pray that each revival, concert, testimony service, school assembly, camp, retreat, harvest day, banquet, or one day special event will be fruitful for the Lord. I am so grateful for each of you who lift us up to the Lord in prayer and financially support our ministry. Thank you all so much!

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Health Update In 2009 I was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer. I have said many times that I always believed that having Cerebral Palsy was enough...I felt like I didn't need any other physical challenges or difficulties, but apparently God had other plans for my life. I am so humbled and blessed to be able to say that I finished my last Chemotherapy treatment in December, 2009. Cancer touches so many families and I am so blessed to be where I am today. I am feeling good and the doctors say that there is no evidence that there is any cancer in my body. My doctors have monitored my progress very carefully and I am thankful for them. I have seen God use my cancer diagnosis as a means to be able to share God's love with so many precious people who are battling cancer at this time.

I don't know what the future holds, but I pray that I will be faithful to exalt Jesus no matter what. I appreciate your prayers for my continued health and strength. We are so grateful for you who partner with us in ministry with your prayers and financial support. You continue to encourage us and enable us to impact the world as we continue Preaching Christ, Reaching People.

In His Love,

Steve Freeman
Steve Freeman Ministries
510 MacArthur Ave.
Colonial Heights, Va. 23834





Luke 22:18
for I say unto you, I shall not drink from henceforth of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come.